Friday, May 9, 2008
Do colleges and universities devote enough attention in how students can find jobs?
Overall, colleges and universities do a satisfactory if not excellent job in making sure that their graduates find jobs. Colleges and universities have an adequate number of resources, including periodical job fairs available for students. Students of these colleges have access to advisors and professors that can counsel them and give them the tools that is needed in successful job prospects. Students are exposed to a diverse and distinguished faculty that do offer guidance and interventions when needed.
Can a Celebrity Refuse to be a Role Model?
Celebrities are individuals that we idolize and place on a pedestal. We become star struck and perceive them to possess some kind of innate quality or extraordinary talent. We have set them apart from the ordinary human beings. We envy their plush lifestyle of glitz and glamour. A celebrity’s life is like a fish living inside a fish bowl. Celebrities are constantly under the scrutiny of the public eye. How then can they escape the responsibility and influence that has been bestowed to them? They have an image. Every celebrity has his or her own set of adoring fanatics that look up to them. Celebrities cannot escape this kind of lifestyle.
Do Boys and Girls Come to an Understanding About Their Gender Roles?
Boys and girls come to an understanding about gender roles from what they observe from their parents. Parents are a child’s initial teachers for shaping his or her identity. Parents serve as models by their words, deeds and actions. Children learn by mimicking what they see. They emulate the behavior of those individuals they mostly come in contact with. Children are very intelligent beings can detect things quickly and easily. Children form behaviors and gain understanding by simply observing. Children are selective with their parent and learn to identify themselves with their parents.
Do “Ugly” or Unattractive Men Make Better Husbands?
The idea that “ugly” or unattractive men make better husbands or are less likely to be unfaithful is not a valid conclusion. This situation is totally subjective and depends on the individual. The whole of men be unfaithful is perceived to them as a game or a challenge. A man that might be perceived by a majority to be unattractive can still get the same amount of “play” or win the affection of an abundance of females. It is all a matter of boosting a man’s level of confidence. One has to look at other factors that play a significant part. It is all about an individual’s image and status. A lot men would not attract so many women if it wasn’t for their image or status.
Can a Child Who Conforms to His or Her Parents Emerge from Adolescence Immature?
A child who conforms to his or her parents’ rules and expectations can emerge from adolescence immature, insecure, and easily manipulated. Even if the parents’ rules and expectations are favorable ones, sometimes it takes the hard lessons of life for individuals to gain maturity and wisdom. Some individuals do not truly gain experience until they have been exposed to circumstances that causes them to “step into the water with their toes first.” This means situations in life happen in order for individuals to apply whatever they may have learned from their parents or caregivers and gain some perspective to be successful and responsible adults.
What Role Does Family Play in Shaping One’s Ethics?
An individual’s character is initially formed within his or her family. The parents or guardian of that individual are his or her first teacher(s). Their values and ethics become instilled into that individual during his or her formative years. Family plays a significant role in molding the character of an individual. It is within the family that one’s ideals are shaped and come into play.
My Own “Kiss of Death.”
When I moved to Buffalo, NY my initial thought was that I would finally be able to gain some kind of independence from my parents and be more established into adulthood. My conceptions quickly changed as I soon discovered over the next two years of my college life that I was obviously inexperienced and unprepared to deal with the harsh realities of life. Although I my time in Buffalo was a true learning experience, I squandered all my opportunities and did not take advantage of all resources that were at my disposal. Instead within my two years in Buffalo, NY, I managed to produce a cluster of poor grades and strained relationships between roommates and friends. Now I think about it the main positive thing to happen was me dumping my loser boyfriend that I outgrew from my hometown.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Has the Women’s Movement and the Sexual Revolution Strained Modern Marriages?
Before the women’s movement, women stayed at home. During this time women had the responsibilities of keeping the home and looking after the child or children while it was the responsibility of the men to be the breadwinner and go out provide for their family. As times have changed and women ventured out into the workforce alongside the men the demand for at least two incomes to maintain a typical family home continues to drastically increase. Now with both parties working and putting out these long hours at work the couple often times are burned out at the end of the day only to wake up the following day to repeat the same process all over again. In recent times, the working couple has entirely more issues and more stress that has quadrupled compared to times long ago. Independence is a sweet reality for the modern woman as she presently can enjoy countless opportunities that were not available to her decades before. The contemporary woman juggles school, motherhood, and marriage.
Does Our Society Suffer From “Hero Inflation?”
What is a “hero?” In Greek mythology, a hero was someone who possessed virtuous qualities of great courage and strength and was incredibly brave, performing remarkable acts and eventually becoming immortalized after his death. In more contemporary times, the definition of a hero has become “water-downed” and is basically considered to be someone who is admired for his or her outstanding achievements or qualities. Great leaders of our time like Martin Luther King or Malcolm X, whose deeds have revolutionized the world, continue to be held in high esteem and classified under this concept of hero. Overtime the definition of hero has developed and loosely utilized. It now and can apply to just about anyone who is a victim to some kind of tragedy or untimely death. It is a common and fast-growing accommodation for these kinds of victims. Victims, who become canonized into heaven and hardly ever make it into hell as is the notion. Heaven is now crowded with heroes whose life on earth had been abruptly and tragically cut short.
How Real Are Gender Differences?
Ask a man to perform a simple task, then ask a woman. Men and women think and operate on different levels. There are huge differences in gender. Men tend to be more straightforward in how they do things and focus their attention on one task at a time. Women tend to be more roundabout, but can multitask well. Men lack intuition. Women are blessed with foresight. Men are sexually aroused by sight. Women are sexually aroused by touch. Men tend to be more logical thinkers. Women think and act based on emotion. Men have a natural lower tone in their voice. Women naturally have a higher pitch range. Finally, men are physiologically stronger than women.
How Do the Words/Images of Magazines Convince Readers That They Need a Product?
I recently browsed through a furniture magazine and noticed several things about the advertisement. For one, the ad had a young woman modeling against some of the furniture on some of the pages. She had on plenty of makeup and was dressed up in a racer’s outfit. I had to wonder about this tactic. Also, I couldn’t help but notice the way the words “jumped out” at me from the page. The words and sale prices were in bold print and outlined twice in bright, bold colors. Catchy phrases such as “you gotta believe it” caught my attention. Each page showcased a different room in a typical house. The furniture and accessories were beautifully arranged in each room. Each display had a cozy, inviting appearance that drew me into the rooms. The advertisement was a clever tactic to subliminally lure me as a prospective buyer.
Is There a Connection Between Having Access to the Internet and Success/Opportunities?
The Internet is an amazing tool to endless possibilities and has opened windows of opportunity for users. Just about anything can be done on the Internet. Online schooling is becoming increasingly popular as more and more individuals find it more convenient to pursue a degree online. Internet users can participate in forums, exchange ideas or interests. The Internet is a great resource for education and research. Surfers can shop for or sell anything from houses to clothes, etc. Cyberspace is a remarkable and widely common means of communication. There is a connection between having access to the Internet and success and opportunities.
Are Men Smarter Than Women?
“Behind every great man, there is a woman.” Men are not smarter than women, women are more smarter than men. What is intelligence? Intelligence is measured in one’s ability to learn and understand or deal with new or trying situations. Women are smarter than men because they mature faster than men. Men tend to have a one-track mind and focus all their energy and attention on a single task at a time, becoming more proficient in that single area. Women have intuition and have the ability to multitask. Men think and reason with their body parts and act on the spur of the moment. Women think things through. Clearly, men are not smarter than women.
"So Much of Life Is Beyond Our Control."
There are so many things in life that are beyond our control. Every year, there are hundreds if not thousands of devastating natural disasters that occur in divers places around the world. There have been earthquakes and hurricanes like Hurricane Katrina, floods, and even more recently Cyclone Nargis that slammed the city of Myanmar and caused tens of thousands of fatalities and devastation. We cannot control the series of events that take place everyday the minute we walk outside our door. We cannot control the actions and thoughts of others we come in contact with. We cannot control the government. We cannot control nature or its elements. We cannot control the outcome of the sex of an unborn baby. "So much of life is beyond our control."
Monday, May 5, 2008
How Can Our Habits of Consumption Provide a Picture of Our Ethical Responsibilities?
To consume means to use up or spend wastefully. Our habits of consumption provides a picture of who we are and our ethical responsibilities. We are either squanderers or spendthrifts. We either consume selfishly or selflessly. If we consume wastefully it could mean that we are irresponsible individuals, poor managers of time and money, and that when we act to suit and serve our purposes without any true regard for anyone or anything else. When we consume in this manner this could entail that we have our priorities sequenced wrong. Consuming lavishly can mean that everything we are egocentric individuals.
What is the Effect of the News Media in Our Society?
The news media are responsible for channeling news and information to the general public. The news media has the leeway control what they want to inform the public about. Reporters tactfully from time to time use choice words such as “he claims” or “they allegedly” to portray a certain situation. They are very influential and have the power to persuade and sway the public in any direction. Politicians and influential figures depend on the news media to pose images they want to communicate so people can formulate opinions depending what is being suggested. The news is suppose to be basically a presentation of the facts but more often than not it becomes tailored and serves as the platform for what the government and the news media want to convey.
To What Extent Does Gender Affect the Way I See the World?
Depending on whether one is a male or female affects how one perceives the world. As a female, I perceive the world in various ways unlike a male. I see the world as a place that is dominated and mostly run by males. As a female I can relate to other females and empathize with them. As a mother, I have learned to think of others apart from myself because I have two dependents that I have to put before myself. I also see myself as a functioning member of society and having something to contribute to the world. As a woman, I perceive myself as a nurturer and caregiver, and it is through women, humanity is reproduced.
The Traditions, Beliefs, Rules, and Forces that Shaped My Identity.
I am an American of West Indian descent. Because I am the only person born in America, apart from my brothers and sisters, my home was mainly surrounded by West Indian influence of both my parents and other relatives. My parents and most of my relatives are Jamaican with some English and Cuban influence mingled within. My culture places strong emphasis on becoming a distinguished individual by pursuing the highest form of education possible to obtain. My culture reveres its elders and considers them a well of wisdom. Marriage is highly regarded and considered very sacred within my family. My family and I are very religious. At times I did not always follow the rules and live up to the standards my family upheld. As the saying goes “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” and sometimes I did so in order to fit in with my peers.
Alabama A&M University: A Rewarding Opportunity for Prospective Students.
Alabama A&M University is a distinguished institution of higher achievement and fine learning. Alabama A&M has an excellent faculty and administration, and offers diverse and distinct courses of study and programs. I would also mention to prospective students that Alabama A&M University sits on a beautifully landscaped campus with recently renovated and new buildings and facilities is just minutes away from shopping areas and convenient stores. I would quickly like to add that Alabama A&M has a vast range of activities and resources for students to participate and utilize. Prospective students can come and see for themselves and make each learning experience a memorable one.
To What Extent Should Sexual Activity be an Important Criterion for Judging Masculinity or Femininity?
Sexual activity is an insignificant criterion for judging masculinity or femininity. One can judge masculinity and femininity of another individual through his or her overall conduct. Masculinity and femininity is the mindset of an individual and dictates how one should act as a female or a male. If one isn’t sexually active (and there are still many individuals in existence today who are not sexually active) something else has to be used in order to determine the masculinity or femininity of an individual. In such cases, there has to be another criterion set in place that one can utilize to judge these things. I propose looking at the overall picture of an individual before opinions and judgments are formed. Observe his or her actions and demeanor over time before assessments are made.
Should Society Create Legal and Moral Limits for Scientific Studies?
There should be regulations on scientific progress. First and foremost the purpose of scientific research should be to enhance daily living for the members of society. The basis of scientific research needs to be improving the welfare of humanity. There need not be any fear or reservations in scientific progress, for one must keep in mind that it the advancements and breakthroughs that presently exist today are due impart to trial and error of past scientists who took risks and formulated hypotheses in their experiments. They toiled and labored to remedy the current conditions and major issues of their day and age as they knew. Some of the present conveniences, technology, and medicines would not be in existence today and society would have remained stagnant and primitive. As society presently faces new problems, scientific studies should be a means to alleviate those problems and come up with solutions.
Does Society Help to Create Irresponsible Sexuality in its Members?
Society helps to create irresponsible sexuality in its members. We seem to be a very sensual society that is driven by the dictates of the media. We seem to be living in an age that is now more than ever before sex conscious, and there is not that many television programs or commercial ads that isn’t tainted with some kind of sexual overtone. Many of the popular movies that debut each year owe their success to the ingenuity of its producers that strategically incorporate sexual scenes and implications. Infidelity and divorce is the norm and there has been a breakdown in the traditional family unit. The sanctity of marriage has been eroding and continues to dissipate with each passing year. “Lust” often times is portrayed through the media as “love,” and many people have allowed themselves to be drawn in to these mixed-up notions.
Friday, May 2, 2008
3 Simple Steps to a Better World.
It takes a shift in one’s mindset to eradicate stereotypes and help ease racial tensions in society. This shift must first begin with an awareness of racial division and issues that need to change within our society. Second, a decision needs to be made in favor for changes to be made improve racial conditions in society. A cultivation of selflessness, consideration, and compassion is the third step. If every member of society were to follow these few simple steps, what a huge impact it would have on humanity, what a significant difference it would make in how we think and act?
My Experience on Commuter Buses.
Usually when I enter a bus, people tend to take a quick survey of me. As I continue to make my way into the bus, the first thing riders do is to look at my face to see if it is familiar to them. The female riders tend to easily observe my attire and hairdo. The male riders, some indiscreetly and others not so indiscreetly and depending on what I might have on, usually observe my physique. Mostly, the female riders radiate a standoffish behavior in my presence and the male riders, generally are more affable. If I secure a seat next to a female rider, I often times detect an air of frostiness from them as the women riders seem to be territorial than the men riders. Then again, this is to be expected when commuting in New York City.
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