Monday, May 5, 2008

Does Society Help to Create Irresponsible Sexuality in its Members?

Society helps to create irresponsible sexuality in its members. We seem to be a very sensual society that is driven by the dictates of the media. We seem to be living in an age that is now more than ever before sex conscious, and there is not that many television programs or commercial ads that isn’t tainted with some kind of sexual overtone. Many of the popular movies that debut each year owe their success to the ingenuity of its producers that strategically incorporate sexual scenes and implications. Infidelity and divorce is the norm and there has been a breakdown in the traditional family unit. The sanctity of marriage has been eroding and continues to dissipate with each passing year. “Lust” often times is portrayed through the media as “love,” and many people have allowed themselves to be drawn in to these mixed-up notions.

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