Monday, May 5, 2008

Should Society Create Legal and Moral Limits for Scientific Studies?

There should be regulations on scientific progress. First and foremost the purpose of scientific research should be to enhance daily living for the members of society. The basis of scientific research needs to be improving the welfare of humanity. There need not be any fear or reservations in scientific progress, for one must keep in mind that it the advancements and breakthroughs that presently exist today are due impart to trial and error of past scientists who took risks and formulated hypotheses in their experiments. They toiled and labored to remedy the current conditions and major issues of their day and age as they knew. Some of the present conveniences, technology, and medicines would not be in existence today and society would have remained stagnant and primitive. As society presently faces new problems, scientific studies should be a means to alleviate those problems and come up with solutions.

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